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what's the difference between lab grown and natural diamonds

Imagine doubling your diamond inventory's appeal without doubling your costs. The secret lies in leveraging the unique strengths of both lab-grown and natural diamonds.


Diamonds are unique treasures that come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and origins. As a jewelry store owner, you understand that the world of diamonds is as intricate as it is fascinating. 


There are two primary types of diamonds: lab-grown and natural diamonds. While lab-grown diamonds were first created in 1954 and gained popularity in the 1980s, natural diamonds have been around since the beginning of time.


In this blog, we'll explore the key differences between lab-grown and natural diamonds and explain why offering both can benefit your jewelry retail store. By understanding these distinctions, you can enhance customer relationships, stay competitive in a changing market, and ultimately drive revenue growth.


Understanding Natural Diamonds

Diamonds are formed through a natural process that spans millions of years, taking place deep beneath the Earth's crust. Here, under intense pressure and high temperatures, carbon atoms bond together in a unique arrangement, with each atom bonding to four others, giving the diamond its signature hardness. 


These precious gems are then transported to the Earth’s surface through volcanic eruptions, where they rest in volcanic material, waiting to be mined, processed, and distributed to vendors like yourself.


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What Makes Natural Diamonds Special

Every natural diamond is unique, possessing its own set of blemishes and inclusions. No two diamonds are exactly alike, which makes each one special. Here are some of the variations you’ll find among natural diamonds:


  • Color: Ranges from colorless to shades of yellow, brown, and even rare colors like blue and pink.
  • Clarity: The presence of internal or external flaws that can affect a diamond’s appearance.
  • Cut: How well the diamond has been shaped into cut types, such as oval, emerald, teardrop, round, princess, and marquise.
  • Carat weight: The diamond’s size and weight, which significantly influences its value.


These unique characteristics add remarkable value and appeal to natural diamonds, classifying them as rare and precious. High-quality natural diamonds are often considered investment pieces due to their history and sentimental value.

Why They Matter to Your Store

As a jeweler, understanding and communicating these unique aspects of natural diamonds can help you build stronger relationships with your customers. Highlighting the rarity and individuality of each diamond enhances the storytelling aspect of your sales process, making each piece more than just a gem, but a unique journey and story. 


By offering natural diamonds, you cater to the traditional market that values timeless beauty, historical significance, and investment potential. This aligns perfectly with your goals of building customer relationships, ensuring business continuity, and maintaining the craftsmanship that sets your jewelry store apart.


Related Read: How To Sell Lab Grown Diamonds: 8 Steps To Follow


Understanding Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are created in highly controlled laboratory environments using advanced techniques and technologies that replicate the natural diamond growth process. There are two primary methods for creating lab-grown diamonds:


  • High-pressure high-temperature (HPHT): This method mimics the natural diamond formation process by subjecting carbon to high pressure and high temperature, similar to the conditions deep within the Earth.
  • Chemical vapor deposition (CVD): In this process, molecules of carbon-rich gas are broken down into carbon and hydrogen atoms, which are then deposited onto diamond seeds, gradually forming a diamond crystal layer by layer.


Despite their laboratory origins, lab-grown diamonds possess the same optical, chemical, and physical properties as natural diamonds, making them almost identical to the naked eye.

What Makes Lab-Grown Diamonds Special

Lab-grown diamonds share many of the desirable characteristics of natural diamonds, with some additional benefits:


  • Quality consistency: The controlled environment allows for better consistency in quality, reducing the number of inclusions and blemishes.
  • Ethical and sustainable: Lab-grown diamonds are perceived as more ethical and environmentally friendly since their creation does not involve mining.
  • Variety of options: They are easily available in a wide range of colors, cuts, and sizes.
  • Affordability: They are generally more affordable than natural diamonds, offering comparable beauty and quality at a lower price point.


These benefits make lab-grown diamonds a compelling alternative, appealing to customers who value quality, ethics, and affordability.

Why They Matter to Your Store

Lab-grown diamonds provide a unique opportunity to cater to a broader customer base. Many customers, especially younger and eco-conscious individuals, prefer sustainable and ethical choices, and offering lab-grown diamonds aligns with these evolving preferences. 


Additionally, lab-grown diamonds enable you to offer high-quality products at various price points, making luxury diamonds accessible without compromising on quality. By including lab-grown diamonds in your inventory, you not only meet diverse customer needs but also enhance your jewelry store's reputation for innovation, sustainability, and value. 


Related Read: How To Manage Jewelry Appraisals: 4 Tips for Getting Started


Why You Should Sell Both Types of Diamonds

Now that you understand the difference between lab-grown and natural diamonds, let's review why you should sell both types in your jewelry store.


As a jewelry store owner, adapting to market trends and meeting customer expectations are crucial for maintaining a successful business. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is to offer both lab-grown and natural diamonds in your inventory. 


Selling both lab-grown and natural diamonds offers numerous benefits, making it a strategic choice for any jeweler looking to stay competitive in today's market. Some essential benefits include:


  1. Meeting diverse customer needs: Cater to customers with varying preferences and budgets. 
  2. Staying competitive: Ensure your store is versatile and competitive by stocking both types of diamonds.
  3. Building trust and relationships: Educate your customers on the differences and benefits of each type of diamond to increase trust and loyalty. 
  4. Revenue growth: Diversify your inventory to attract a broader customer base and offer high-quality diamonds with various price points to make pieces accessible for everyone.
  5. Community impact: Demonstrate your commitment to the community by providing products that cater to both traditional and modern ethical standards to improve your jewelry store's reputation.


By offering both lab-grown and natural diamonds, you position your store for long-term success, ensuring it stays competitive in the retail jewelry market.


Integrating Jewel360 To Optimize Your Diamond Sales

To fully capitalize on the benefits of offering both lab-grown and natural diamonds, an all-in-one point of sale (POS) system can greatly enhance your business. Jewel360 is designed specifically for jewelers, offering features that help you manage inventory, streamline operations, and build customer relationships. 


With Jewel360, you can easily track both types of diamond inventories to meet customer demand. The customer relationship management (CRM) capabilities allow for personalized interactions by keeping detailed records of customer preferences and purchase history. You can also gain valuable insights from sales analytics to inform business decisions and boost profitability. 


Your existing systems can seamlessly integrate Jewel360 and benefit from advanced security features that protect your data. You’re also able to optimize your jewelry store goals of operational visibility, business growth, and community engagement.


Ready to take your jewelry business to the next level? Discover how Jewel360 can help you manage both lab-grown and natural diamonds, all while enhancing customer relationships and driving revenue growth. 


Request a demo with Jewel360 today to see how a tailored POS system can transform your operations.