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How To Advertise Diamonds: 9 Ways To Drive Sales
how to advertise diamonds

How many diamonds do you sell at your jewelry store compared to other gems?


The hardest naturally occurring substance on earth, the diamond is commonly used in engagement rings and is considered by many to be the most popular gemstone in the world. Luckily, you can capitalize on this popularity by employing strategic marketing.


To maximize your sales, you need to convince your customers that your jewelry store is the best place to buy diamonds. In this blog, we’ll learn how to advertise diamonds with nine strategies you can start using today.


7 Jewelry Store Digital Marketing Ideas You Need To Try


1. Highlight Unique Selling Points

When determining how to advertise diamonds or any other product, professionals like to focus on unique selling points (USPs). Make your store’s diamonds stand out by focusing on these USPs.


To determine these USPs, consider the 4Cs of diamond quality. The 4Cs were coined by Robert Shipley, founder of the Gemological Institute of America, in the 1940s to define the most important factors in determining the worth of a diamond.


The 4Cs are:


  • Cut: A diamond’s cut is judged by its proportions, polish, and how well it interacts with light. Diamonds are cut in a variety of standard shapes, including round, oval, emerald, pear, and others. 


  • Color: The majority of diamonds are white. However, most white diamonds have some color to them. The closer to colorless a white diamond is, the more valuable it is. Diamonds that have a strong color are rare and are also valuable. These are often referred to as fancy-colored diamonds. They come in many colors and hues, including red, blue, yellow, green, and pink.


  • Carat: Carats measure the weight of a diamond, with larger diamonds being more valuable. One carat is equal to 200 milligrams.


  • Clarity: Clarity refers to the lack of imperfections in the diamond. Internal imperfections are called inclusions and external imperfections are called blemishes. The fewer of these that can be seen in a diamond using a magnifying lens, the more value it has.


As you brainstorm how to advertise the diamonds you sell at your jewelry store, emphasize these characteristics. Savvy jewelry buyers are familiar with these qualities and value them. Certifications from jewelry organizations like Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and American Gem Society (AGS) confirm the quality of the merchandise you sell and help you gain customers’ trust.


2. Create Stunning Visuals

When customers see the diamonds your jewelry store has to offer, they need to be blown away. So, rather than shooting from a phone, it’s best to use a high-quality camera or hire a professional to capture diamonds and other jewelry items. 


Use photos of a variety of jewelry items from different angles and in different lighting. Some photos might use intense light to show a diamond’s radiant shine, while others might show a diamond in more standard daylight. This gives your marketing materials variety and lets customers know you offer a wide array of different jewelry products.


Taking videos helps you show the detailed craftsmanship of your jewelry store’s diamonds — and they’re a great resource to use on your website and on social media. The homepage of your website and your social media feed should be full of high-quality images of diamonds and other jewelry, catching users’ eyes and keeping them on these pages.


Use videos to give potential customers a glimpse of your store, making them more likely to make a visit. High-quality images and videos are great for advertising, drawing in more customers and increasing your sales.


Related Read: 7 Visual Merchandising Tips for Jewelry Stores


3. Post on Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are a free way to get the word out about your jewelry store and showcase its best products. Post high-quality images and videos of your store’s diamond selection to catch the eyes of social media users.


Use social media to interact with existing and potential customers. Respond to comments and direct messages, answering questions and informing users about your products. You can even host live digital events on platforms like Instagram. Leverage these live events to show your products and engage in discussion with customers.


If social media accounts for your jewelry store gain traction, you may choose to expand your social media efforts by running paid ads. If you choose to pay for your ad to be shown to users, be sure the ad is high-quality. It’s also smart to have something special to advertise — whether it’s a special offer, sale, or store event.


4. Build an Engaging Website

Engaging in e-commerce expands the customer base you can serve. To effectively compete in the e-commerce market, you need a website that’s clear, easy to use, and visually appealing. Create a simple selection and checkout experience that will prevent customers from clicking away.


With a purchase as significant as a diamond, many customers have questions before they’re ready to purchase. For this reason, it’s important to offer quality customer service to both in-person and online customers. 


Include resources for online customers to be able to send you a message or call you so you can give them information and guidance on their purchase, as well as resolve issues that may arise with shipping.


Related Read: 10 Online Jewelry Sales Statistics You Need To Know


5. Offer Financing Options

Many customers have to save up to be able to afford a diamond. To make your jewelry store’s diamonds affordable to more customers, offer financing options — allowing a customer to pay for an item in multiple installments.


If you choose to offer these options, be sure to advertise them, whether on social media, your website, or in print. This helps you gain the attention of more price-sensitive customers.


Financing options are more enticing if you offer zero-interest or low-interest plans. Whatever financing plans you choose to offer, be sure information about these plans is consistent from all sources so customers understand the terms, avoid confusion, and feel that they can trust you and your business.


6. Utilize Print Media

Although digital media is increasingly prevalent, print media is still a viable form of advertising. You can advertise your jewelry store’s diamonds in magazines, catalogs, and on posters and billboards. If you advertise in magazines, choose publications that advertise other luxury goods or wedding-related publications to capture the attention of your ideal customers.


Like other forms of advertising, print ads should use high-quality photos of your diamonds. 

As you advertise diamonds, display them in a variety of ways — you might show diamonds in rings, earrings, necklaces, and more.


7. Partner With Influencers

A great way to boost your social media reach is to partner with influencers. Influencers are social media users who have a large following and who often promote products on their channels for a price. Working with an influencer can get your business and products in front of a much wider audience, but it’s important to choose the right influencer.


Partner with individuals whose brands are complementary to your own. For example, an influencer who promotes jewelry or luxury products would be a good fit. If the brand is too different, their audience may not be interested in your products.


Be sure to give an influencer plenty of information and direction when they do a promotion. 

They should discuss your diamonds’ best features to gain the interest of their audience. You could collaborate with an influencer to do a giveaway to generate greater excitement around your brand.


Related Read: Networking and Collaborations: The Power of Partnerships in the Jewelry Industry


8. Hosting In-Store and Virtual Events

Hosting in-person events gets potential customers through the doors of your jewelry store, and virtual events are a great way to showcase your store to those who have never visited it before.


Host workshops in your jewelry store to educate people about diamonds and how to care for them. This gives them more confidence in maintaining the jewelry they already have and makes them more comfortable making new purchases. You can also host events to benefit charities — allowing you to help others while also generating buzz around your store.


You can also host virtual livestreams to reach customers who live at a distance from your jewelry store. You can offer a virtual walkthrough of your store and of your products. Interact with customers during these live events by addressing comments, and use clips from livestream footage for social media posts.


Related Read: Attract More Customers With These 6 Jewelry Store Event Ideas


9. Implement a Loyalty Program

Loyalty programs keep customers coming back to your jewelry store by enticing them with periodic rewards. Many loyalty programs are based on a point system. When customers make a purchase, they earn a certain number of points — as these points add up, they can be exchanged for discounts, free products, exclusive or early access to products, or other rewards.


Gain referrals by offering rewards to customers. If a customer refers a friend who makes a purchase, you can give them a discount on their purchase, or points towards your loyalty program.


How To Advertise Diamonds With Jewel360

Diamonds are a popular jewelry item, and by implementing strategic marketing across a variety of channels, you can maximize your diamond sales. Utilize a combination of digital, print, and in-person marketing channels, and interact with customers individually to build trust among your audience.


Effective marketing takes a lot of effort, but you can make your life easier by using the tools provided by a point of sale (POS) system. Jewel360 is a cloud-based POS system that is specifically designed for jewelry stores. 


Jewel360 offers a variety of marketing tools including website development, social media resources, email marketing, and more. This all-in-one system will help you advertise diamonds and the other jewelry items you sell at your store with ease. To learn more, schedule a demo today!


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